We’re opening a fish hospital…

Did you hear the fish ambulance sirens today? Three more fish are spending some time in the front  porch clinic. Moriarty, appears to have some fungus on three scales — Lucy, who has been acting strangely for two weeks has a nasty looking ulcer-fungus thing on her body — Tito, looks like something tried to give him a good scratch and it became infected. So these koi are swimming around in medicated water with Cha Cha who looks pathetic.image

Meanwhile the rest of the koi swam around in some medicated water while we cleaned out the muck in the pond. We actually drained the entire pond and it did have that eau d’sewer. After four hours of puttering, the koi were able to return to their home. We are definitely sold on a bottom drain for a future pond.








We also had some fun trying to figure out who are the parents of last summer’s baby koi:
